Design Review Committee

The charge of the Design Review Committee (DRC) is to help assure that the college’s architecture and landscape are both of high quality and appropriate to their context. Planning, Design & Construction (PD&C) will seek from the DRC advice and guidance on the aesthetic as well as other relevant aspects (e.g., historic preservation, ecological integrity) of Williams’ built and natural environment. All capital projects (new construction and major renovations), landscape projects, major graphic projects, and signage that will be visible to the public should be reviewed by the DRC. The Associate Vice President for Campus Planning and Operations determines which projects will be presented to the DRC. For capital projects, the DRC will work collaboratively with the Building Committee for each project, sharing ideas and perspectives in the project’s development.

The purpose of the committee’s work is:

  • To help ensure that any significant building, addition, or modification is respectful of existing architecture and harmonious in relationship to the existing landscape, streetscapes, predominant architecture, and natural environment of the design area.
  • To help ensure that the preservation or restoration of the natural landscape and/or the character of the created landscape is appropriate to the site.
  • To help ensure that designs are appropriate to the campus as a whole, while being mindful of budgetary constraints.

Members, 2024-25
Mina Amundsen, Associate Vice President for Campus Planning and Operations, DRC Chair (ex officio)
Henry W. Art, Rosenburg Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology, Emeritus
Guy Hedreen, Amos Lawrence Professor of Art
Scott Henderson, Senior Project Manager, Planning, Design & Construction (ex officio)
Susan R. Loepp, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Mathematics
Megan Morey, Vice President for College Relations (ex officio)
Murad K. Mumtaz, Associate Professor of Art
Felicity Purzycki, Landscape Ecology Coordinator (ex officio)
Noah Smalls, Director of Exhibitions and Collection Management (WCMA Director designate, ex officio)
Tanja Srebotnjak, Executive Director of the Zilkha Center for the Environment (ex officio)