Academic Continuity Planning Group

The Academic Continuity Planning group was charged by President Mandel in spring 2020 with developing contingencies for the Fall 2020 term, in case the pandemic prevents the college from holding a conventional semester. President Mandel encouraged the group to think broadly and proactively about innovative curricular possibilities, including ways that Williams might adjust our timing, offerings, or modes of instruction if needed. 

The group will recommend options to President Mandel and Senior Staff for discussion with the appropriate governance bodies. They will meet and provide advice through the end of the spring semester and into the summer as needed.

Share your ideas with the committee


Sarah Dubow, Professor of History and member of the Faculty Steering Committee
Matt Carter, Associate Professor of Biology
Kath Dunlop, Registrar
Sarah Jacobson, Associate Professor of Economics and member of the Committee on Educational Affairs
Barron Koralesky, Chief Information Officer
Laura Muller, Director of Quantitative Skills Programs and Peer Support
Kashia Pieprzak, Professor of Francophone Literature, French Language, and Comparative Literature, and Associate Dean of the Faculty,
Amy Podmore, J. Kirk T. Varnedoe 1967 Professor of Art, Art Department Co-Chair and Chair of Studio Art
Chad Topaz, Professor of Mathematics
Safa Zaki, Professor of Psychology, member of the Committee on Appointments and Promotions and incoming Dean of the Faculty (chair)